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We help Memphis Athletes recover from injury and get back to what they love


without relying on medications, injections, or surgery. 

901PT has been successfully treating the active population here in Memphis, and we've witnessed some incredible successes by our patients!  The people who come to see us are motivated not only to get rid of pain but to do everything necessary to move well and stay active in the longterm.  


We are committed to continuing to refine all the ways we can help you make this possible. 

Our specialty is helping active people get back to the sports and workouts they love.  If shoulder or back pain is keeping you from your Iron Tribe or Crossfit workouts, that's where we can help. 


If your foot is painful or limiting you during your runs, we can find the root cause of the problem and successfully treat it so you can keep running.

We want to keep improving upon all of the ways we can get you back into the same intensity of your sport that you did before, and to do that, we're introducing a new program within 901PT--- Athletic Engineering

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Athletic Engineering is the link between your physical therapy treatment and a full return to high-level performance.  

If you've ever felt unsure about the best way to temporarily modify an intense group workout right after coming back from treatment for shoulder/back/hip pain, Athletic Engineering can help you practice those specific movements that flared you up in the past and know how to confidently re-enter your intense workouts without re-injury.




If your pain has subsided and you've made great progress in therapy but more specific strengthening is needed to be able to keep your body resilient as you re-enter your training, Athletic Engineering will build upon the foundation you laid in therapy and give you confidence in the strength and resilience of your body.


If you're a runner and know that you need to be cross-training with running-specific strengthening exercises but aren't sure where to start or how to maintain a healthy progressive routine after therapy finishes, Athletic Engineering will keep you strong so that you can keep advancing in your running without being derailed by pain. 

Heading-up the Athletic Engineering program is Bryce Berry, CSCS

Bryce Berry, CSCS
Bryce helps you transition from physical therapy back to the training you enjoy so that you can live your life on your terms.
Whether that's an intense workout, a long-distance run, or working in the yard, Bryce can meet you where you are and help bridge the gap back to play.
Bryce's credentials include a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science with a concentration in Health and Human Performance from the University of Memphis. He's also a CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) by the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association,)
 Pn1 (Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified,) OTC (Online Trainer Certified) by the Online Trainer Academy, and RPR Level 1 (Reflexive Performance Reset Level One.)
Bryce lives in Memphis, TN with his wife of 8 years and three little girls, the "Three Missketeers".
Athletic Engineering

A Bridge from PT to Performance

If your PT treatment is coming to a close but you still need specific guidance on how to get back into the kind of high intensity you're used to, Athletic Engineering will bridge that gap.  

A Guided Transition

Your therapist and Bryce will work closely together on the specific and customized strengthening you need to work on in order to continue the progress you've made and to reduce the risk of reinjury. We want you to rejoin your gym workouts confidently after having done specific practice workouts with Bryce under the guidance of your therapist.  

A Longterm Option

For those who don't have a regular gym or workout routine they're returning to (especially runners!!!!,) Athletic Engineering offers a long-term way to know that you're cross-training effectively and will maintain your PT progress. 

If any of this sounds like something that would help you reach your goals, we would love to talk with you about if Athletic Engineering is a good fit for you!  

Don't let all that hard-won progress you made in PT go to waste! 

Athletic Engineering is the transition program you need to get you back to the level of intensity in your workouts that you're used to.  

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